You can contact us via mail at the following address to receive information or express a comment, opinion, whatsoever.
As an alternative you can send a mail filling the form below:
4) I consent to processing my personal details in accordance with the data protection Law. Privacy Statement.
Privacy Statement: Mail address and eventual personal data inserted in this form will be used only with the aim to provide or exchange information regarding the website subject and are not going to be passed to any third party. Data will be digitally processed or transferred on paper, but will not be handled by other subjects. The person in charge for personal data processing is the Director of the Association Ma.Ma., Mrs. Marina Secci on behalf of the Association. Total or partial cancellation of data can be requested at any time to the Association by any subject, sending a request via mail to the following address: Unless consent is given, the message cannot be sent. For safety reasons an operation log will be recorded, indicating the customer IP address.